Bernard Gui [6:23pm]: im NBO wurde übrigens ein neues FEUERNACHT-Interview gepostet
Bernard Gui [6:23pm]: diese Leute müssen schwerstens verblödet sein
Necrocunt [6:23pm]: hast du es gelesen?
Bernard Gui [6:24pm]: hier: ... ntry104781
Ricardo Clement [6:24pm]: ich sehe es...
Necrocunt [6:24pm]: es ist ja in englisch
Bernard Gui [6:24pm]: ja
Bernard Gui [6:24pm]: sie können das offenbar so halbwegs
Necrocunt [6:25pm]: ja
Necrocunt [6:25pm]: kurz afk
Bernard Gui [6:26pm]: Like i said before, Feuernacht isn´t part of the so called scene. In my eyes, the Black Metal Scene is just a bunch of subhuman kids. Nothing more. It is some kind of party and entertainment culture full of political correct shitheads. By the way, we are not even wearing long hairs. We have the optical appearance of a bunch of Skinheads. We dont even follow this fucked up scene dresscode. I hate people wearing bulletbelts and leatherpants. Such a gayshit. When we go to metalshows, we wear jogg
Bernard Gui [6:26pm]: joggingpants, sneakers and NSHC shirts. Fuck the scence! If people are pissed of by that, they can come over to collect some brutal punches into their face.
Bernard Gui [6:26pm]: o/
Ricardo Clement [6:26pm]: ^^
Ricardo Clement [6:26pm]: was ist eigentlich FEUERNACHT?
Ricardo Clement [6:27pm]: ach, ich WILL es gar nicht wissen!
Bernard Gui [6:27pm]: eine elitäre NSBM-Band
Ricardo Clement [6:27pm]: Skinheads
Ricardo Clement [6:27pm]: die ÜBERLEGENE Subkultur
Bernard Gui [6:27pm]: offenbar
Ricardo Clement [6:28pm]: die es zwar gar nicht mehr gibt
Ricardo Clement [6:28pm]: aber ...
Ricardo Clement [6:28pm]: für NSBM zieht es sicher am BESTEN
Ricardo Clement [6:29pm]: NSHC-Shirts...
Bernard Gui [6:29pm]: Greifvogel is Radical Warrior Clothing. It is about weightlifting and getting strong. We at Feuernacht support that idea in any ways. Every member of our Band is doing weightlifting in the gym and some of us train different martial art styles. We not only wear Greifvogel clothes, we represent the brand as a band. We take sport as a serious part in life. Maintain a healthy body is supporting you getting a healthy mind. We are strong supporters of the nationalistic idea and because of that, we sup
Ricardo Clement [6:29pm]: warum in aller Welt muss ich das alles erleben???
Bernard Gui [6:30pm]: support the idea of such a lifestyle. A fat pig can´t be a nationalist, and yes, we would beat the shit out of a fat sweating pig. Doesn´t matter if he wears a Greifvogel shirt or a FN shirt. We also hate this typical Black Metal Scene human shit of today. Guys who are so skinny that the next windblow is carrying them away. We preach hatred, struggle and fight. Thats the idea behind Hooligan Black Metal. It is not about soccer. It is about violence! We dont talk that much with people who dont l
Bernard Gui [6:30pm]: who dont like us. Smash their faces! Thats the point. Acta non verba! Greifvogel will come up with a lot of new stuff in the future. It is a new brand and developing over time.
Ricardo Clement [6:31pm]: dann müssen sie ja DRINGEND mal das Fat Pig Zimper umboxen. Und ein paar FAT PIGS von B&H... da sähen sie wahrscheinlich ALT aus bei...
Bernard Gui [6:31pm]: ja
Ricardo Clement [6:31pm]: und ein paar andre NSBM-Fat Pigs
Ricardo Clement [6:32pm]: "radical Warrior Clothing"
Ricardo Clement [6:32pm]: und alles mit einer Maximalbeständigkeit von 5 Jahren
Bernard Gui [6:32pm]: das sind alles derartige Arschlöcher
Bernard Gui beobachtet genüsslich von seiner Wohnwagensiedlung aus, wie alles in den Arsch geht
Ricardo Clement [6:34pm]: ja
Ricardo Clement [6:34pm]: "Hooligan Black Metal"
Bernard Gui [6:34pm]: o/
Ricardo Clement [6:34pm]: "Radical Warrior Clothing Hooligan Black Metal"
Ricardo Clement [6:34pm]: NSHC-SHIRTS!!!
Ricardo Clement [6:35pm]: GREIFVOGEL WEAR
Ricardo Clement [6:35pm]: die erste VÖ 2012!!!
Ricardo Clement [6:35pm]: "The Members of FEUERNACHT prefer to stay anonymous"
Bernard Gui [6:35pm]: toll, nicht?
Ricardo Clement [6:35pm]: VOR LAUTER MUT
Ricardo Clement [6:35pm]: ja
Ricardo Clement [6:35pm]: EXTREM TOLL
Ricardo Clement [6:35pm]: MITREISSEND
Bernard Gui [6:35pm]: ja
Bernard Gui [6:36pm]: I dont give a fuck about a Dark Throne shirt. I dont give a fuck about Dark Throne at all. Fuck that. As i stated before, we strongly support the idea of weightlifting. Obviously that takes effort. Nothing comes from talking or sitting around! Some of us train Wendlers 531 Routine. Thats all.
Bernard Gui [6:36pm]: Lachen
Ricardo Clement: Das denkwürdigen wir
Ricardo Clement [6:37pm]: Ja, vllt. liest es ja mal einer
Ricardo Clement [6:37pm]: und läuft VOR WUT rot an
Ricardo Clement [6:37pm]: bevor er in 5 Jahren als Antifa weinend von seiner NAZI-PAST erzählt
Ricardo Clement [6:38pm]: und wie ihn seine TÜRKISCHE FREUNDIN da RAUSGEHOLT hat
Ricardo Clement [6:38pm]: und er jetzt GANGSTA-HIPHOP macht
Ricardo Clement [6:38pm]: und dann in weiteren 3 Jahren beim IS landet
Bernard Gui [6:38pm]: lol
Bernard Gui [6:38pm]: ja
Ricardo Clement [6:38pm]: OK, DENKWÜRDIG!