Seite 4 von 5

Verfasst: 15.06.2012, 13:20
von vampyr supersusi
Aber gern. Hier nun also Supersusi dressed in black. Ist gerade voll angesagt...

Verfasst: 15.06.2012, 13:22
von Graf von Hirilorn
Also, modisch, na ja... ich weiss nicht...

Verfasst: 15.06.2012, 15:31
von vampyr supersusi
Euronymous ist IMMER modisch. Das wird sich auch niemals ändern, so ist das eben bei Legenden. Ich glaube, man sagt "zeitlos" dazu.

Verfasst: 15.06.2012, 16:57
von Blustie
Ist der Kerl nicht lange tot?

Verfasst: 15.06.2012, 18:06
von Tion
Blutzucker hat geschrieben:Ist der Kerl nicht lange tot?
Dies gilt nur offiziell

Verfasst: 15.06.2012, 18:21
von vampyr supersusi
Blutzucker hat geschrieben:Ist der Kerl nicht lange tot?
Na und?

Verfasst: 17.06.2012, 23:56
von Kain
Ey, Jungs, zurück zum Thema!

Ich kann mich leider nicht entscheiden, da es einfach kein Über-Album von Darkthrone gibt.

Anwärter auf den ersten Platz wären für mich:
A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Ravishing Grimness

Eigentlich ist allles bis ca. 2000 gut. Dann gings allerdings ziemlich bergab mit einer Ausnahme: The Cult is Alive.


Verfasst: 18.06.2012, 00:03
von Imperial Warcry
Taken from Descent zine #2, 1994.

1.Hello again, How is Fenriz this eve?

Thus far: Electro Overdose and letter-writing with Bard Faust. Later: Beer, women und Black Metal.

2.Starting off .mighty Darkthrone will be releasing two albums this year
as well as another in ’95 speak of these.

"Panzerfaust" is coming in December 94 on Moonfog. In the first half comes our never before released "Goatlord" album, which was originally was to come after "Soulside Journey." Then comes "Total Death" sometime in 95, primitive as fuck and hard. With lyrics by people from the entire Norwegian horde! Collection of Norwegian Anti-Christs. Future releases: "Unholy Black Metal" and "Krieg" We do not believe that any of these releases will have such hideous sound as "Transilvanian Hunger," but the sound sure won’t be pretty!

3. "Transilvanian Hunger" has already caused a stir concerning fascist view points it is not carried in your own country’s shops. Why are these distributors blind?

Muslim whores the whole damned bunch. Infected by the jew-journalists and the socialists. It is not freedom of speech.

4.I have read another interview with Fenriz in which you state Darkthrone will never become a full time "project" for fear of following Venom’s path downward but rather as an "interest" it will always stay true to the cause in opposition to $. Please expand on this and it’s reasoning.

I believe you have understood the point.

5.On this same topic it is sure a Darkthrone performance in almost any landin Europe would cause a violent uproar why the lack of this?

The lack of ? Darkthrone stopped playing live in May 1991! We will never play live again. Many reasons are there, but mainly (psychologically explained) misanthropes can not play live.

________________________________________ are also a appreciator of the greatest Deutsche acts of old. Kreator, Sodom, and the mighty DESTRUCTION!! To me these act’s earlier material is more powerful than many of today’s black metal acts explain your admiration of these once greats and will we ever hear "The Ritual" or "Curse the Gods" a la Darkthrone? Yezzz (due to the fact that this manuscript went through a transcription and a translation, the word "Deutsche" became "Dutch" by the time mighty Fenriz received it. The translator apologies for this most horrid and unintentional mistake which was never meant as an insult to the masterous Deutsche bands. ED)

Dutch? Now you are not only way out in the fields, You are in the wrong field with an Albanian tractor!! The first 3 publications of Kreator, Sodom, and Destruction are an enormous part of the black metal tradition. (Don’t forget Possessed, through were, as everybody knows from the USA) The tree above mentioned bands are GERMAN! Some Darkthrone riffs will always be Destruction inspired. These bands are embedded in my blood. For Helvete!

7.And your lyrics...hmmm...graphic visions of the "unknown" which Fenriz has experienced. You made an interesting point that as Satan’s poet you can hardly claim the poems as your own. (yet they arise from yourself.) reminiscent of what Varphalak of Samael once stated "It is Satan speaking through my mouth".thoughts on this?

Varphalak sure said it. Large parts of Darkthrone’s lyrical poetry is not my own, but evil-demons’ and Satan himself. Without doubt.

8.And our brother Varg has also contributed to this new material as well explain his involvement and the results

What is their to explain. We thought that as the man was in prison, thus he could not publish any lyrics, so we asked if he wanted to write through us, and he did.

9.Aye, your involvement in Cymophane, 8.22 seems to have stirred as opposition against Fenriz I feel all ant-christians should unite versus them.. for divided we will fall backwards in upon ourselves while united we will march across the opposition...what have you done to unite the "factions"?

Now we write "Galga"


10.Cymophane is a unit of heathens striving to cause a rebirth of our ancestors’ ways yet I know very little of Fenriz’s beliefs and practices can you expand on this for me?

We are Nationalistic satanist, sounds contradicting but we have brains to prioritize.

11.Let us speak of Isengard a pure expression of thyself speak more of this project and it’s intent

Isengard is Norse and Satanic. The purpose is to make people feel the greatness of the North and Satan’s malice.


12.Vocals in Isengard’s newest material bring to mind a Viking Warrior and in today’s terms are more akin to bands like Candlemass than most black metal bands.

Isengard is my version of Norwegian folk music and black meta

13.Aye, Fenriz and Warge seems to have been influenced much by J.R. Tolkien (in choices of names anyway) your thoughts on this author and the reasoning behind this?

Fenris is one of the anti-christs’ name "Lord of The Rings" holds a special mood which we deeply appreciate. The majority here in Norway obviously love the book.

14.Also along the same lines I have often wondered how much of a role role playing game and fantasy books have had in the Norwegian scene. I have seen hints toward this but never a direct statement for or against be honest here.

We have never occupied ourselves with role playing games, if any black metal musicians did or have done this, then there were very few of them.


15.Also.. the influence of a few narcotics or hallucinogens seems like it could be apparent in Norse black metal thought Your experiences and am I correct in this assumption?

Wrong. Narcotics are banned by most, but Darkthrone have since the beginning had, more or less, problems with intoxication. Other have also used some, but only a few. The same as with role playing games, We believe. Conclusion: Not a lot.

16.Neptune Towers’ current release entitled "Caravans To Empire Algol," from Fenriz is an all synth project. You stated Klaus Schulze as your main influence speak of this piece and Schulze.

Schulze is, except the cold void visions and our own sound-pictures, Our only inspiration. The second Neptune Towers CD, "Transmissions From Empire Algol," is very good.

17.On the Same topic.. what do you think of bands/composers like Vangelis, Dead Can Dance, Tangerine Dream who have been doing this for years.. any influence there?

No influence there. Have thus far only heard a little Tangerine Dream and it was very good, but we do not allow Ourselves to listen to them because We easily could be inspired to much.


18.What of today’s Black Metal acts in a similar genre; Mortiis, Darkness Enshroud, Equimanthorn, Abruptum, ect..

We do not use "evil" semi-tone synth nor sad melodies a la Varg/Mortiis, Neptune Towers has nothing to do with the other "Black Metal Synth" stuff, Neptune Towers appeal to all who like what they hear, and to people in the Black Metal scene who like Klaus Schulze. Neptune Towers is deep space astral avant garde synth and nothing else. Escape the Earth-into the cold void.

Verfasst: 15.12.2012, 02:05
von -apx-
ich schreibs mal hier rein....:


Erscheint am 25. Februar bei Peaceville Records !

Verfasst: 15.12.2012, 10:01
von Alois Krählich

Verfasst: 06.12.2013, 20:24
von Durbatulûk
Transilvanian Hunger gewinnt, allerdings nur knapp. Es ist einfach sehr atmosphärisch und hat große Nostalgie Boni bei mir. Allerdings ist A Blaze in the Northern Sky technisch gesehen das klar bessere Album, so viel muss gesagt sein. Das Death Metal Album finde ich ziemlich gut, aber es ist eben nicht typisch Darkthrone.

Verfasst: 06.12.2013, 23:12
von Imperial Warcry
Durbatulûk hat geschrieben:Transilvanian Hunger gewinnt, allerdings nur knapp. Es ist einfach sehr atmosphärisch und hat große Nostalgie Boni bei mir.

Verfasst: 07.12.2013, 00:50
von Durbatulûk
Noch mehr Witze gefällig? Ich habe viele viele auf Lager um euch zu belustigen :o

Verfasst: 07.12.2013, 08:21
von Svart
Ich fasse dein bisheriges Schaffen hier mal kurz zusammen.


Verfasst: 07.12.2013, 12:41
von Durbatulûk
Dieser tiefsinnige Kommentar bringt mich glatt zum Nachdenken

Verfasst: 07.12.2013, 16:08
von Imperial Warcry
Gut. Dann sei bitte so lange still, bis dir was gutes eingefallen ist.

Verfasst: 07.12.2013, 16:43
von Imperial Warcry
Und nun weiter im Thema, ohne Durbatuluk. Er hat Thread/Darkthrone-Verböt.

Verfasst: 09.12.2013, 14:16
von vampyr supersusi
Aber ich find auch, dass Transilvanian Hunger die beste Darkthrone ist (ich mag ultra-reduziert nordic black halt auch am liebsten :D )!

Verfasst: 21.03.2019, 14:04
von Imperial Warcry
Und schon wieder eine neue Crapthrone: ... um-in-may/


Verfasst: 21.03.2019, 15:04
von Der Theurg
Vor ein paar Jahren ging diesem Forum unter, worüber seinerzeit sogar der BLICK berichtet hatte: Fenriz wurde in einem Vorort von Oslo gegen seinen Willen in den örtlichen Stadtrat gewählt (für irgendeine harmlose linksliberale oder sozialdemokratische Partei). Oder vielleicht sogar zum Bürgermeister, ich weiss es nicht mehr.

Seine Wahl soll aufgrund des untenstehenden Bildes auf Facebook erfolgt sein, wobei Fenriz darunter auf Norwegisch gepostet haben soll: "Bitte wählt mich nicht!" Sein Aufruf wurde von den Wählern offenbar ignoriert. Ob er noch heute im Amt ist, entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis.
