Schwermetall • Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser - Seite 4
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Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 13.05.2020, 13:26
von Graf von Hirilorn
Ja. Auch zu berücksichtigen ist: Ihr (und CC usw.) hattet kein Inet. Ich wüsste nicht, was ich heute schreiben würde, wäre ich 16 und wollte "schocken" und/oder grusig sein... The bars are set high...

Darum sind ja zB die (hier zitierten) Bands INFERNAL TORMENT und FORNICATOR besonders schlimm. Die schrieben solche Sachen schon als es noch kein Inet als Einfluss gab. Damals kam man höchstens auf solche Gedanken/real mit solchem stuff in contact, wenn man so war wie die Typen aus 8mm. Was sie eben wohl auch sind...


Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 13.05.2020, 14:15
von Dr.Gonzo
Ach, So zerstücklelti Babies uf de Covers, u Pädophil u nekrophil sii isch doch lustig, so zu schokkä...
*Trinkt sein Bier auf Ex aus, stürzt sich in den Moshpit*

Machen wir weiter mit diesen gutaussehenden Herren hier:


Aus dieser Künstlergruppe, welche sich Gortuary nennt [Nicht zu verwechseln mit der auf der letzten Seite bereits erwähnten "Goratory "] ist unter anderem das folgende Werk mit dem Namen "Transgender Dismember" entstanden:

Gonna fuck this bitch tonight
She grab my balls, touches her tits
In the back she's on her knees
For my cum she begs and pleads

Then she tells me she's really a man
Tranny whore
She pulls out her dick and winks at me
I kick her to the floor
I punch that bitches ribs in
Stomp the back of her head
I spit in her fuckin' face
Leave the bitch for dead

She pulls out a knife and jumps on me
Puts it to my leg and I go down
I got a free shot on her face
I break her nose

The mutilation starts
She starts to tear me apart
I see the shine of the blade
And she cuts away

My flesh away she starts

Chewing, My intestines
Fisting, My neck through
She vomits, And down my throat it goes
She cums

Rips my dick off
Eats my balls
Just as I was about to fuckin' cum
Her ass bleeds

Neben diesen Lieblichen Zeilen haben die Herren auch noch einige weitere Ich-Erzählungen auf Lager...
Ich möchte hierbei anmerken, dass im folgenden Text das Auge des Betrachters besonders in der detaillierten Gefühlswelt des Protagonisten verweilen sollte... Gopf, das isch nid mau meh e chlii witzig...

Pedophilic Manipulation

I bend your inexperienced mind
So uneducated, so vulnerable
Shaped and twisted to fulfill my needs
The pedophilic greed
It grows inside of me
Deeply embedded in my train of thought
Every victim has potential, no fear of getting caught
Care i not for their scars and wounds
Just enjoying my cock in their young virgin wombs

Thoughts so perverse and repulsive
The depths of my sexual depravity, you could not even fathom
Short and gluttonous, old, disgusting, laughed at for the way I am

But I know you have had thoughts such as I
For we are all desperate sex fiends inside

So do not deny these accusations

For we have all had many thoughts of perverse mutilation

*Verleiht dafür einen Orden*

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 14.05.2020, 14:27
von Graf von Hirilorn
Ja. Nichts weniger wurde hier auch verdient... Wie auch von diesem Mann:


Dem grossen Künstler Nick Hernandez, der schon bei vielen DM-Bands seine Weisheiten zum Besten gab. Für die wundervolle Band INCESTUOUS schrieb er unter anderem dieses Feuerwerk der Moral und Mitmenschlichkeit:


blood excites me
smell arousing
as I stiffen
to fuck your mouth.
fisting your hole is exciting me.
excretions dripping
pussy pissing,
cuntlips kissing
little girl missing.

crusty pampers - my crown of thorns

violent raping
infant torture
spawn from a crack whore
fucked her ass sore
bleed from every hole
two year olds are better
bound with leather
choking on my semen
your daughter is barely breathing

I can really careless...
if her cunt is hairless
I think my cock is bleeding
a sign this bitch is teething

she is just a waste, a whore, a fucking little slut

gagged and bound
never to be found
I wont be stopping
till her cherry is popping
infanticide (x4)

Die Verleihung des Literaturnobelpreises hierfür steht zwar noch aus. Aber nicht für immer... Nicht für immer...

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 17.05.2020, 17:31
von Imperial Warcry
Nur so fürs Protokoll: Ich finde diese Typen und solche Texte absolut scheisse. Wenn ihr das hier weiter archivieren wollt, dann nur auf eigene Verantwortung.

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 18.05.2020, 13:16
von Graf von Hirilorn
Imperial Warcry hat geschrieben: 17.05.2020, 17:31 Nur so fürs Protokoll: Ich finde diese Typen und solche Texte absolut scheisse. Wenn ihr das hier weiter archivieren wollt, dann nur auf eigene Verantwortung.
Eine durchaus sinnvolle Notion, der wir zwar schon auf der ersten Seite dieser Realsatire Rechznung getragen haben, die man aber wohl in diesem Zsmhg. durchaus disclaimermässig auf jeder Seite mal einfügen könnte/sollte. Darum:

Dies ist ein satirischer Thread zu einem sehr realen Thema und einer sehr traurigen Entwicklung die sich innerhalb der Death Metal-Szene leider in den letzten Jahren festgesetzt hat. Das Thema sind die immer krankhafter, frauenfeindlicher, offen pro-Vergewaltigung/Mord und sogar pro-pädophilen/Kindermord Texte ganzer Tausendschaften von Bands aus diesem Genre, die offenbar längst jeden Bezug zur Realität oder zu dem, was noch im Bereich der Satire vertretbar wäre, verloren haben. Dies geschah, ganz ähnlich wie im ebenfalls mit frauenfeindlichen Texten behafteten Hip Hop dadurch, dass sich die "Kulturschaffenden" und die Mainstream-Medien, wenn es um das Thema "unmenschlich" und "grausame Texte" ging, in diesen letzten Jahren ausschliesslich mit Bands befassten, die irgendwie der "Rechten Szene" zuzuordnen sind, von denen aber wohl keine Einzige jemals irgendeinen nur annähernd so entmenschlichten und sinnentleerten Text verfasst hat, wie die oben gezeigten, durchaus auch von linken Konzertveranstaltern und Medien hofierten Bands, welche dies Tag für Tag und Album für Album ausschliesslich tun. Mit diesem realsatirischen Thread wollen wir als Forum zwar sicherlich für Lacher sorgen, aber nichtsdestoweniger dazu Beitragen, dass an die Öffentlichkeit kommt, was sich in einem Teil der DM-Szene vollkommen frei von jeder Kritik abspielt. Alle hier veröffentlichten Texte sind geistiges Eigentum der genannten Verfasser, sie sind frei im Internet und insbesondere auf MA einsehbar, wir haben an den Texten nichts verändert und präsentieren diese lediglich in einem satirischen Rahmen, der ihre Widerwärtigkeit durch den Stil der Präsentation noch verdeutlichen soll. Wir rechnen damit und hoffen darauf, dass unsere Leser dies verstehen. GvH, 18.05.2020

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 18.05.2020, 13:45
von Imperial Warcry

Und weiter im Text.

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 18.05.2020, 14:06
von Graf von Hirilorn
Ja. Machen wir weiter mit einem Künstler, dem seine ganze mitfühlende Art schon in die Gesichtszüge gemeisselt ist:
Jay Barnes (nicht verwandt mit Chris Barnes, der in diesem Thread auch schon lobend erwähnt wurde).


Ein Mann, der sich bei unzähligen Projekten mit unzähligen Gedichten verewigt hat, von denen eines das Herz und die Seele mehr zu beflügeln weiss als das andere. Ein Mann, dessen ganzes Leben, Handeln und Denken nur auf das Gute und Richtige ausgerichtet ist. Ein Himmelsengel, Mensch geworden. Lesen wir mit der angebrachten Ergriffenheit, was er uns in zweien seiner Werke zu vermitteln sucht:

Puncturing Paraplegic Pussy

Slapped from wheelchair. Paralyzed beauty. Beaten senseless. Choked unconscious.
Tear off panties. Rip her bra off. Spread her limp legs. Penetration. Slide my knife across her pussy.
Make incisions for lubrication. Pick up wheelchair, bash her head in. Making sure she does not revive.

Take my cock and slap her clit, making her cunt even wetter. Pummeling your face with my fist as you start to reawaken. Take my time to admire what I've done. There is no reason to tie you up because you can't run away.
Now I will have my way with you. Plunge my meat into your stankhole, then shove it into your awaiting mouth.
You are a punching bag for my cock. You are not worth the skin you are printed on. Entrapped by my morbid fetish.
See the fear growing deep in your eyes.
Try to escape but you can't move. There is nothing that can save you as you lie there helplessly.

You watch in horror as I slowly spread your legs. You cry out in anguish but no one hears your screams. Your body is mine to play with. I'll do as I please. My nerves tingle with excitement as I see my jizz on your face.
You're trapped in this nightmare and there's no escape. A human pin cushion for my voracious needs.
Just take my cock like a whore and you will not get beat. Leave you lying in a pool of cum. It's not like you can just walk away.

You cannot open your eyes because they're glued shut by my spunk. You've been trapped over a week, nothing to eat but my seed. No remorse for what I've done. I prey upon the paralyzed. You see no care in my eyes. Wishing you could just die. Put you back in your wheelchair. Now it's time to start again.


Sodomizing the Elderly

Cruising around the supermarket. Searching for a potential victim. Looking for my aging beauty.
Now I think I've finally found her. My centerfold with silver hair. Longing for her varicose veins.
My cock now stands at attention. Grab her tits and slam her down. Rip the Depends off and shove it in.
Screaming like a bitch in heat. I slap her dentures out with my meat. Slam it deep in her crusted hole.
Blood it spews from hemorrhoids. Balls deep in ancient ass. Knocking the dust off the wrinkled cunt.
Use her walking cane as a sex toy. Blow my load in her hair. Use my spunk as denture cream.
Fondling her sagging breasts. Forcing her to gum my rod. Your grandma is now my sex slave.
Drink my piss as if it were prune juice. Beaten with her cane until she worships my manhood.
Take my cock like you would an enema. Tongue the ex-lax from her ass. Slap my cum right from her mouth.
Stuff my nutsack in her jaw. Watch the jizz drip from her hole. Pull my fist out of her cunt.
Yank her hair out by the roots. Her screams of pain make me erect. Suck the feces from my shaft. Her asshole is swollen from my abuse. Bludgeoned with her walking stick. Take my time no need to rush. Pound her anus into dust. Engulf my dick, push it all in. Choke on my seed. Puke on my balls. Begging for her life. There's no end in sight.
Bury my meat in her ass. One more time before she dies.
Now my work is done. Left naked and exposed. Leave her body behind for her family to find.

Ja. Ein wunderbarer Mensch mit wunderbaren Gedanken, die man der Welt nicht vorenthalten möchte...

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 18.05.2020, 16:19
von Dr.Gonzo
Was für ein strahlender Geist, der auch im fortgeschrittenen Alter nicht davor zurückschreckt, sich noch in diesem wunderbaren Genre auszuleben...

Machen wir weiter mit Brian Forgue, einem jungen Menschen, welcher wohl bald einen Literaturnobelpreis erhalten wird...


Syphilic - Euphoric Genital Hazing

Why, oh Why? In junior high, Daddy slapped, grabbed, and threw me
Held down & controlled until his dick was dry, a euphoric wet dream, and then he licked me
His incestual bliss, I could feel my pussy rip, bloodline cock nestled in between my new tits

Used as his sperm whale's fishtank, raped so long that he was shooting blanks
My first time, downgraded to a slut, my father owned me, and fingered my butt
My pussy was destroyed, I could trust no one, not even my closest loved ones
I told everyone, no one believed me, told me I was crazy constantly
"My father raped me," I would say; their response was, "Good lay?"

I am worthless, Father raped with cunnilingus, Mom didn't care about the affair
To be honest though, I liked the taste of his penis, he made me bite the pillow and would pull my hair
His cock barely fit, I could feel my pussy rip, I lay on my back and on my face his cum would drip

Celebrating my first period, raped over and over, over and over
Too much blood, too much blood, too much blood, bleeding from my pussy and asshole
As I grew older, euphoria set in, I needed it more and more
My loose, raped cunt got what it deserved, my female parts classify me as dirt

Eventually I killed my mother out of jealousy, my father eventually used her body as meat
In her sleep one night we snuck up on her, my dad snapped her neck but she awoke
Paralyzed by her own family in her own home
While she cried we pulled out all of her hair, for days we just let her lay there
Tormented, never left alone

We think she starved but we don't know, dead in her bed, we fucked on her corpse
His dick regularly jammed down my throat, been fucked so much that my anus is warped
We were now in love, couldn't live without eachother

How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven
It took me nine days to eat her entire body

Over time as I absorbed more man juice, I was proud he stretched me so loose
Fist to the wrist, I outgrew his dick, it was no longer thick, couldn't feel it
Time to quit, my pussy lips no longer dripped, our sex life was stripped
I didn't hesitate with stabbing him in his sleep; dead, sliced his dick off and ate it
Complete euphoric genital hazing

*Unterschreibt den Disclaimer*

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 20.05.2020, 11:02
von Graf von Hirilorn
Ja... aber gibt es noch weitere solche Helden? Noch weitere echte Vorkämpfer für das Wahre und Gute? Es gibt zum Beispiel noch Braxton Keyser, der früher bei RUPTURE CHRIST lieblich gesungen und dabei Gedichte wie diese beiden vorgetragen hat:

Fetus Fucker

Fetus lay there covered in afterbirth
Brains sucked out but first
Brains sucked out but first
I am going to tear my penis into its flesh
Rip its head off and eat through ts chest
Fuck its brains and all the remains
I'll leave nothing behind and no one to blame
Jabbing the fetus with my dick
Its mother's remains have made it slick
No problem ripping apart there is no stitch
When I am done fucking I'll toss it into a ditch
But for now I am going to bash its head on the wall
Spray its guts all down the hall
Fetus juice running off my balls
As I snap its little fetal jaws
I'll eat this fucker for a snack
I'll make the fetus cum my nut sack
Bones brittle start to crack
As I drive my knife into its back
Fetus fucker fetus fucker fetus fucker
Slamming my dick into its ass
Burning its legs into mere ash
Now I am going to rip its heart out
And suck it down my throat
Choke the motherfucker and make it float
Devour the limbs after this fuck
Not much ass my cock is stuck
Now it is time I need another
I just have to sit and wait for his little brother

Penetrating Pre-School Pussy

Pedophile thoughts running through my mind
Thoughts of my dick in a young child's behind
Furiously looking for the small victim I will find
The infant prey will now be mine
Opening the door I provide her with candy
Rimming her with my prick makes me feel manly
Spreading the pussy that is still pure
Never been violated but I have the cure
Hardcore fucking is what I adore
I drag her out of the classroom and onto the floor
The knife I have ready
As I line it up to her ass keeping it steady
I cram it in as her hole swells
Little do I care I'm loving the yells
Knife covered in shit
I pull it out and go for her tits
Cavity is spread fresh young dead
Dick forced into her mouth as I receive some head
I drag the remains of the body to an old shed
And prepare to dispose of the torso beginning with her head
Eyes are held open and jaw wired shut
As I continue my venture of young child smut
Strike a match and watch the fire blaze
Now I am off to continue my young virgin craze

Einfach wunderbar. Braxton Kyser ist schon ein absoluter Supertyp. Jemand, den alle gern als Freund hätten. Darum ist er inzwischen auch auf Twitter, wo er auf seinem Account schreibt, dass er
Single Father Of 5...
sei (warum auch immer das im Header stehen muss) und besagter Account inzwischen gehackt wurde, was Auskunft darüber gibt, dass seine Passwortwahl seinen Gedichten in Sachen Intelligenz und menschlicher Überlegenheit wohl in nichts nachstand...


Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 20.05.2020, 12:48
von Imperial Warcry
Huere Brüttu!


Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 25.05.2020, 12:15
von Dr.Gonzo


(macht mal zwei harmlosere, zum "wiedereinstieg")

Machen wir weiter mit dem Genius des Joe Wolfe, welcher den folgenden, wunderschönen Titel mit dem Namen "Immoral Sex Habits" geschrieben hat:

Fellatio from a male
Genetalias misused
Men attracted to men
Violation of masculinity
Your sexuality sickens me

Homosexuality is a disease
Gayness I abhor
A man sucking dick makes me disgorge

Homophobia I possess
Heterosexual is what I am
I want to kill you dykes and faggots for immoral sex habits

Cunnalingus from a female
Pudendas abused
Women attracted to women
Defilement of femininity
Your sexualism disgusts me

Homoeroticism is a plague
Queerness I abominate
A woman licking cunt makes me regurgitate


Oder aber eben auch "Fermenting vaginal excrements"

Unknowing of the abnormality
That lied deep within her vaginal cavity
Fondling and abrading the dampening hole
As I explored her rank sexuality
Caressing the lips spreading them wide
Open the orifice of nauseation
Grazing with my eager tongue
I begin the consummation

Licking her lips lapping the slop
Tonguing her crotch and tasting the juice
Squirming in orgasmic ecstasy
Cum spews out I sample the goo
Swallowing the fluid I continue to lick
Her ultimate please I have conceived
Feeling the larva inside my mouth
I raise my head in disbelief

Cum covered wounds bleed

There wounds forever bleed
Maggots crawl from her cunt spilling out
Dying before my eyes
Covered with bleeding wounds blood erupts
Spewing onto the floor
Blood curdling death wretched gore sick demise

Body decays dying internally
Bloodsoaked remains rotting externally
Encrusted wounds fester immensely
Larva consumes your virginity
Maggots galore infesting your womb
Boiling pus seeps from your open wounds
Rotting alive gorily succulent
Fermenting vaginal excrements

(lead Tony)

Fuming from her sick demise I release my lust
Insert the member
I penetrate the maggot filled orifice
As you now die
I fuck her corpse
As maggots crawl upon my cock
Worms spewing out
Pulverize your rotting crotch
With each dead thrust
Bleed from inside essence has died
My hunger is fed fucking the dead.

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 25.05.2020, 12:49
von Graf von Hirilorn
Wunderbar. Auch wie in letzterem Werk klar herausgestellt wird, dass Verkehr mit Leichen viel normaler als Homosexualität ist - ein Geniestreich, der noch lange seinesgleichen wird suchen müssen. Kommen wir nun daher zu dem nicht minder grossartigen und wunderbaren Menschen Luka Đorđević aus Wisconsin


der mit seiner Musikkapelle unter anderem diese wichtigen Texte zur Sexualhygiene und Geschlechtergleichheit zum Besten gibt:

Toe-Tagged and Tea Bagged

-I have a need to fuck putrid flesh
-Carnal my deeds, rot on my breath.
-In search for the dead.
-The morgue my sanctuary, feeding my morbid desire.
-In the obituaries, I find the corpse I require.
-Before the cemetery, her body soils my need
-Taking her necro-cherry, bathing the cunt in my seed.
-Toe tagged, and tea bagged
-By sack, the dead gagged
-Nightly penetrate, the feted meat,
-Testicular placement, her face my seat.
-Cadaver sodomy, corporeal treat.
-Formaldehyde, nectar excrete.
-Toe tagged, and tea bagged
-By sack, the dead gagged
-Balls, in her mouth, final, disrespect,as, maggots feast, I erect.
-Stench, in the air, her skin, marble white, rigamortis means shes tight.
-Rape, of her corpse, is my, paradise, the, lifeless husk, does entice.
-My, fervent lust, for the, putrefied, its, been five days, since she died.
-I, make new slits, throughout, rancid meat, then, violate, till I skeet.
-Balss, in her mouth, her cold, lifelss stare, a, postmortem, love affair.
-Dead whore, opened wide, the smell, is so divine.
-I fuck, every inch, of rot, cold sluts are so hot
-My girl, does not talk back, lifeless lips, on my sack.
-Life long, necrophile, proud that, my style is vile.
-I have a, visceral need, to, desecrate.
-Posthumous, the hooker drinks, my milky hate.
-Testicles, have found a brand new, resting place.
-They reside, inside a dead cunt's, withered face.

Cunt Struck

Pox upon, those who spawn, cursed whores of Babylon.
Parasite, appetite, plagues the world with callus spite.
Female bane, mark of Cain, propagates the human stain.
Infestate, desecrate, targets of my righteous hate.
Heinous scum perpetuate.
Doom us all to validate.
Nature's wrath they instigate.
Eve begot, may they rot, Lilith's reign their viral plot.

Through denial the she-cunts conquer, paving way for mankind's fall.
Unrestrained the she-wolves prosper, undeserved their swaggered gall.
We must quell this reign so vulgar, Helen's deeds their birthright's call.
To debase, deceive, and falter, at our feet these sluts must crawl.
Punish them for crimes on reason, weaker sex, their ilk must bow.
They commit Darwinian treason, for their sins they'll pay I vow.
To our gender, you are seisin, fertile land for us to plow.
To despair has dawned your season, you will kneel as you kowtow.
Beat your woman, make them suffer, starting with your cunting mothers.
If she protests, then you snuff her, do it for your long lost brothers.
Cuff her, stuff her, then rebuff her, just like you would all the others.
Drop the mastiff, do it rougher, Do it for your father's fathers.

Blasting at cunts, we will enact righteous penance, kill their infants, they ovulate at once.
Hearing their grunts, calling out from torture basements, reap my vengeance, through seminal portents.
Writhing rodents, these bitches all desolve in solvents, bear my judgments, self centered peasants.

Cursed by nature, bleed you sow, cease infection, right now.
Damned your gender, us you blame, time to skull fuck, this dame.
Spray my dick-snot on this broad, soon you'll call me, your God.
Growing vermin, in your guts, that's where I'll make, first cuts.

Retort, abort, rusty weapon in hand.
Resort, to thwart, now your flesh my command.
Contort, extort, your genetics I've banned.

Free yourself, from the yoke of estrogen, don't submit to the cult of lies.
Be a man, stand with pride and confidence, pay no heed to the cunt-struck tide.
Steel your mind, to the harem's influence, they conspire like some feebled crones.
Rule of thumb, is much too lenient, take a brick to their fucking domes.
Scourge these slits, you must now castigate, show them their inherent flaws.
Be a man, and shun entitlement, we'll persevere as we change the odds.
Burning cunts, on herm shaped palisades, worship us like your fucking gods!

Pox upon, those who spawn, cursed whores of Babylon.
Parasite, appetite, plagues the world with callus spite.
Female bane, mark of Cain, propagates the human stain.
Infestate, desecrate, targets of my righteous hate.
Heinous scum perpetuate.
Doom us all to validate.
Nature's wrath they instigate.
Eve begot, may they rot, Lilith's reign their viral plot.

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 25.05.2020, 15:03
von Dr.Gonzo
Man erkennt das Genie dieses Mannes zweifels ohne bereits an diesem Anmutigen, lieblichen Gesicht...

Weiter mit "Von Young" von Livitity, dessen lyrisches Repertoire sich auch überwiegend mit gewaltsamen Beischlaf befasst, so auch im folgenden, epochalen Miesterwerk mit dem Titel "Phallic Beat Down " aus dem Gedichtsband "Used, Abused, and Left for Dead"


I am the sheep in the black wool
Knock at your door, my sight you adore
Your smile so bold, my dick I wish you would hold
Dressed to impress, in my Sunday best
You think I'm great, but I'm really a piece of shit
Open your door, my manners are the best
Take you to a fancy meal, my vallet starts to appeal
Conversations great, speak about daily fate
There is no mistake, in her mouth I want to masturbate
Dinner is served, four course meal
Her sex appeal, on the table I want to commit rape
She thinks I am estute gentleman
But little does she know, I just want to get in those pants
On the floor we dance, and start to date my ass
Yet she doesn't know the truth, I'm so fucking uncouth
I'm really quite to love, and just a skanky ass male fucking whore

After the fucking date, take you to my house
Entice the into my door, relax you on my couch
Show you my other side, faked the with this gentleman shit
Now you succumb to my dick, rip the clothes off of you
I am the horny piece of shit

Grab your perky titties, I want to put them in my mouth
Caress your candy apple ass, I want to toss your salad
Rub your shaver beaver now, I want to nibble on your smelly knit
Run my hands down your legs, "Bitch don't you shave?"

All my blood starts to run to my cock, your going to become my cum smock
You don't know what you're about to endure, your going to become my whore
My dick is going to menace, every single tight crevice
Your moans and screams of agony, you bitch get down on your fucking knees
Bludgeon you with my stiff shaft smack the in the face with my mushroom cap
Beat your nostrils with my balls, phallic beat down
All my blood starts to run to my cock, your going to become my cum smock
You don't know what you're about to endure, your going to become my whore
My dick is going to menace, every single tight crevice
Your moans and screams of agony, you bitch get down on your fucking knees
And suck my cock to the best of your abilities
I lube up her ass with astro glide, now my cokc will go deep inside
"Honey, isn't this a ride?"
I pull out a kidney beat
I make her open up her mouth, clean the shit off on her tongue
Don't you love the taste of your bung?
"Bitch, eat that kindy bean"
Her gag reflex kicks in, now she pukes up din-din I toss her ass right on top, all of her mucal slop
My laughter starts to take control, my cock stops taking toll
Looking at her rectal asshole, blood seeps right out of it
Now this chic can see, I'm deeply crazy
I hope her feelings are not hurt, I just want to get my hands up your skirt
She lays on my floor
I really adore the way she squirns around in my sperm
Please stay awhife with me, well jarn some Lividity
I want a part three, I want to blow a fatty night into your pussy
Now I am through, I cannot drop no more go, she won't even spew
So bitch get the fuck out
Let's wrap up the night
I don't want to fight
Unless you want to be knocked in the teeth, skank I don't want to beef
Don't take it personal, your just another peace of ass
Did you really think I has class?
"Honey, I'm a sexual pig"
Grab your purse and dress, clean up all the mess
Could you maybe do the clishes, you just fulfilled all my sexual wishes
Let the door hit you in the ass, call for a taxi cab
You expect me to pick up the tab, wrong...
I ain't playing for shit

Phallic beat down!!!

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 25.05.2020, 16:00
von Graf von Hirilorn
Was will man sagen? Alle Superlative des Positiven sind bereits aufgebraucht, nichts wird diesem wackeren Mann gerecht...

Schon vormals wurde erwähnt, dass diese Menschen und Menschlichkeitsverfechter auch immer ganz tolle (zum Teil sogar echte) Bilder auf ihren Gedichtbänden haben. Wir sind uns darüber einig, dass ein Posten derselben zu viel des Guten (sic) für dieses Forum wäre. Also poste ich, als ein kurzes Zwischenstück, das, was ich ich (unter anderem) gefunden habe, als ich den Quellen für diese Bilder nachgespürt habe (etwas, dass ich ebenfalls besser unterlassen hätte...)

Definition - What does Necro Porn mean?

Necro porn is pornography that depicts sexual acts with people who appear to be dead. Necro porn may take the form of pornographic videos or images. Enacted murder and rape are common elements of necro porn.
Kinkly explains Necro Porn

As with most pornography, there are different sub-genres to appeal to different tastes. Fetish websites that house necro porn often allow users to sort the clips by kill type, such as strangulation or shooting.

While necro porn features actors pretending to kill others, it should not be confused with snuff films, where men are filmed actually killing women for sexual gratification.

Even though necro porn is considered a fairly extreme form of pornography, consuming it can be a healthy way to satisfy a death fetish or necrophilia. There are a wide range of people with a death fetish, ranging from people with simply aroused by the concept of death on one end of the spectrum and murderers on the other. Most people fall into the former category and would never act out their necrophilic tendencies in real life, experts say.

An interest in necro porn is only a problem if, like the consumption of any other pornography, it starts to dominate a person’s life or if it intensifies a person’s death fetish and compels them to carry out criminal acts.

Despite this, many leading pornography curation websites, like Pornhub and Redtube, refuse to host necro porn.
Ja. Die bösen Pornhub und andere Pornoseiten. Marginalisieren hier Vergewaltiger und Leichenfetischisten... Wo soll man da noch hinkommen...?

Ich glaube, ich brauche von diesem Thread (und von diesen Leuten) nun eine (wohlverdiente) Pause...


Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 26.05.2020, 13:15
von Dr.Gonzo
Naja, davon gibt es ja seit den späten 80er eine "Soft-Varianten":


Zum Glück ist Grabschändung, Nekrophil sein und Rape etwas, was im BM so überhaupt keinen Anklang findet...

...Ich wollte auch schon vorschlagen, einen Thread für die Covers aufzumachen, aber das würde wohl den Rahmen der Künstlerischen Freiheiten hier wohl sprengen..

Aber Zurück Zum Thema:

Kommen wir zu einer Künstlervereinigung aus Israel, welche unter dem Namen "Viscera Trail" wunderschöne Gedichte Veröffentlichen. Kopf dieses Zusammenschlusses von Musikern ist der Ehrenwerte "Shahaf Ostfeld"


Severe Constipation Caused by Massive Embryonic Digestion

Pregnant women
Deviant fetish
I got me 5 of them waiting in my basement
Fucking them impregnated whores
Each I anally impale till they bloat with purulent haemrroidal scrotum
Tied like slaves with chains, bitten by rats and covered with my dirty semen
Those gestated human rot waiting to be slaughtered
As they watch me penetrate their torture cell mates
Watching what's coming for them, as I pant upon them like a hog
I punch and maul their stomachs, hammerize their wombs from outside
It gets me thrilled and drooling like a rabid dog
Slapping the horrified screaming beautiful woman
I fest her up to my elbow reaching the embryo!
She feels the murder inside her. She can't resist as I keep grabbing her crying
Annoyed head and bash it to the floor over and over
I grab the fucker and mash it in my hands
Strangling, taking its premature life and tears him from the womb
She's still moaning like a castrated horse so I bash her harder splitting her cranium
And spilling her brains all over the floor
As I watch her extruded head and hold the bloody stillborn in my hands all covered
In gore and slime, looking at those barfing women around me awaiting their same
Destiny - I cum as a 14 year old boy once again, on that little twat in my hands
All the others share the same pleasure except sometimes I just blow their brains with
My shotgun or stab their chest like a maniac as I cum on their stinking vaginas
Holding the trembling, dripping little bodies
With a depraved look in my eyes I bash them down
I have 5 embryonic peaces of meat
I cook them with bacon beans and carrots...
Ah the smell of cooked rot arouses my prick.. arouses my cannibalistic instinct
I munch on my stillborn eastern like soup
I feed fast almost without chewing the hard parts like a ravenous motherfucker
Every little head snaps lightly like an egg in my mouth
The tiny limbs are as chicken wings and their innards are like noodles
The soft flesh and bones crush under my teeth
My stomach fails to digest the little pricks!
I fart and a nauseating vomit sense fills me...
I can't shit them it's been two days and they're still being digested
Their soft ribs are harder than I expected
The pain and the will to excrete! I give myself the enema of my life...
Sitting in a puddle of excremental embryonic remains.. I see their little hairs all over
I pile up the fecal humanity and fuck it like there's no tomorrow
Ejaculating a load into the hard digested heap of turds


Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 27.05.2020, 12:53
von Graf von Hirilorn
Dr.Gonzo hat geschrieben: 26.05.2020, 13:15Zum Glück ist Grabschändung, Nekrophil sein und Rape etwas, was im BM so überhaupt keinen Anklang findet...
Wie dem auch sei, man wird sich schwertun, im BM derartige Texte und/oder Bilder zu finden...

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 27.05.2020, 14:40
von Dr.Gonzo
Das ist auch wieder wahr...

Weiter im Text mit ein paar erheiternden Zeilen aus der Feder des "Kyle Christman:"

Hooker Cooker

Drooling twitching psychopath
looking in the mirror enraged with disgust
filled with rage I lust for blood
hatres for myself drives me into homicide
kill them first then eat the bitch
shaft swollen just about to hurst through the skin
on my hunt to find some cunt.

Snatch a bitch fast before she knew what hit her
any whore will do she's gonna die anyhow
blood is on my fist, beaten 'til you piss swell your fuckin eyes shut
disease-spreading little slut
don't worry you fuckin whore I'm not gonna rape you
I want that little pussy sizzling in olive oil
delightful little treat of sweet pussy meat.

Drag you out into the woods
a little camp hidden in the middle of the forest
a sharpened spit waits just for you
force one end up in your ass
slides nice and easy once it gets started
throught the guts and out the mouth
still alive as I pull you next to the fire
one end at a time up on the rotisserie
your skin starts to smell, burn your outer shell
cooking you alive makes my cock start to swell
turn the spit so you don't burn on one side
cut off your lips so they can be
fried, juicy inside, crispy outside.

The skillet sizzles as I toss the shaven pussy lips in oil
clitoris broil, labia boil, cover it with cooking foil.

Back to the bitch on the stick
I'm hungry and I want my dinner
I like em how I like my steaks
warm and pink in the center
I reach over and grab my knife
and give a slice to the thigh
I've cooked another to perfection
it always gives me an erection.

The lips are finally done
I place them on my plate
and add them to my cut of meat
now I feast on hooker steak.

Whores are what I eat
salty human meat
took her just to cook her
I'm the fucking hooker cooker.


Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 08.06.2020, 08:58
von Imperial Warcry
Dr.Gonzo hat geschrieben: 26.05.2020, 13:15 Naja, davon gibt es ja seit den späten 80er eine "Soft-Varianten":


Zum Glück ist Grabschändung, Nekrophil sein und Rape etwas, was im BM so überhaupt keinen Anklang findet...
Naja, Buttgereit war deep aus der Westberliner Pönker-Szene, in seinem frühen Machwerk sieht man auch Bela B. beispielsweise.

Und trotz Ekelfaktor und Provokation: Der Film hat Style und auch einen gewissen Humor.

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 08.06.2020, 10:06
von Dr.Gonzo
Jajaa, ich fand den auch Easy. (Sah den erst vor so 7-8 Jahren mal, zum nachkulten....)


Ich lege nun ein allerletztes mal nach und bevor dieser Thread dann wohl in der Bedeutungslosigkeit verschwindet, gibt es noch einen Künstlern, den ich gerne erwähnen würde, welcher mit seinen einfühlsamen und herzerwärmenden Texten beinahe einen neue Sphäre an Menschlichkeit und Nächstenliebe geschaffen hat.

Der Virtuose Daniel Paz aus Bogotá:


Paz ist seit Jahren eifriger Texter für Kapellen wie "Amputated Genitals." Das folgende Gedicht stammt aus dem Gedicht-Band "Family Bloodbath" von eben Selbigen:

Sexual Experiences with Animals and My Mother's Cadaver

I frequently hit my mother
Continually my parents dressed me up like a girl
My first sexual experiences were
With animals I raped like sheep and dogs
Soon ended up in reformatories
And finally in jail
Where I tested sex
With human beings
Being this my first time
After a strong discussion
With my mother
I decided to slash her neck with a knife
And made real a fantasy I alwais had
End up in fornication
With the cadaver of my own mother
I was pronounced a suicidal psychopath,
Like a sadist and a sexual deviatn
While my wife went out to work
My idea was to rape
Her daughters the whole day
In all the possible ways

My best friend Ottis
Didn't have anything to envy
He was a pyro applicant to transsexual
Murderer and lightly retarded
We never killed two people in the same place
After the slaughters we were accustomed to hack the cadavers and
Distribute the members across whole country
But what I liked most was to murder women
With big eyes and good teats, first I raped them
And I remained unsatisfied so I slashed them
I twisted the neck and I then raped them again
Obtaining new pleasure I enjoyed raping a cadaver than a human being
On the other hand,
Ottis in order to obtain sexual pleasure
Penetrated the anus and he then killed them
By shooting them because he didn't like knives
Becky my official girlfriend and I went on
A kidapping murderous spree
Until we had a discussion on the speedway I fixed
Matter nalling her heart with a knife

Die Texte zu weiteren Gedichten, wie z.b. " The Butcher's Kindergarten" oder "Stepfather Child Molester" erspare ich der Leserschaft...

Re: Literarisch hochwertige DM-Texte und deren Verfasser

Verfasst: 08.06.2020, 12:06
von Graf von Hirilorn
Wunderschön. Ich bin nun auch erholt genug, zu diesem Thread bald wieder Gedichte auszugraben...